OMGD Discovery of Turkish Wine - Part 2



OMGD Discovery of Turkish Wine - Part 2

Last year, we made a first discovery of Turkish Wine and Mezze. At restaurant Levant in Amsterdam, we explored the traditional style of wines and cuisine of the Levant region. Now, we will take a closer look at the more modern-day style of wine making, accompanied by mezze in modern Turkish cuisine. 

Please join us at this unique OMGD-event, hosted by our fellow confrère Gürbüz Salman. It promises to be as spectacular as last year!

Please note, we had to change the date from March to April due to personal circumstances. If you had already registered, please do so again (you will have received an email). 

WELCOME DRINK Pasaeli Naif Pet-Nat Calkarasi Extra Brut    
Lakerda Tartar - Salted Fish Tartar with Green Apples Pasaeli Emir 2023    
Salgamli Kisir - Sour Bulghur with shalgam, olives and pickles  
Visneli Yaprak Sarma - Stuffed Vine Leaves with sour cherries and pine nuts Pasaeli Old Vines Papaskarasi 2023           
Brisket Beyti - Brisked Wrapped in Pastry with Yoghurt Sauce  
Deniz Yildizi - Fish of the Day with pumkin orzo risotto
Meftune-i Pirzola - Lamb Chops with Freekeh wrapped in Aubergine or Vegetarian
Pasaeli Okuzgozu - Cabernet Franc 2022
Pasaeli Blanc De Noir 2023              
Baklavamsi Pasaeli Morso di Sole  Sultaniye 2021  

Activiteiten voor dit evenement
OMGD 2nd Discovery of Turkish Wine & Mezze - Part 2
The second part of our discovery of Turkish Wine and Mezze, this time focusing on the more modern-day style of wine making, accompanied by mezze and main course in modern Turkish cuisine. 
Prijs per persoon: €99,50
Aantal plaatsen beschikbaar: 27